Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Comes to a Close

Wow...2011 has been a busy year for us and a good year.

With my new responsibilities at work I have done a lot of travel to Australia and Asia this year which has been both positive and negative. It has meant Scott has been in charge of many more parenting responsibilities, the positive and I have missed my family dearly on my longer trips, the negative.

I have achieved my getting fit and losing weight goals and definitely intend on getting fitter and maintaining my current weight through 2012.

I have got a lot more scrapbooking done this year, this has been helped by being on the Harvest Moon design team. It is amazing what motivation a deadline can be.

I have really enjoyed my cooking this year and trying new recipes on family and friends. I now make our own pizza bases and pizza's almost every week, I have learnt to make bread from scratch, which is absolutely delicious. And most weeks I do a menu plan for our dinners which includes some new recipes and old favourites and is a great way to save money at the supermarket.

As I reflect on the past year I am hyped and motivated for the year ahead. To keep me on track over the coming year I have started to make a list of the big and little goals I have for 2012 and I will be adding them in the side bar as motivation and to keep them top of mind.

I have also been thinking a lot about my One Little Word but still haven't settled on my word yet.

Hope everyone has a fantastic New Year's Eve and I will see you in 2012.

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